City, ST
(337) 230-6130
Uplifting businesswomen with like mindsets in the Acadiana area.
Developing relationships to share business knowledge and leads.
Supporting success and increasing value within our community.
Assisted with hurricane relief efforts and other charitable actions.
Should you be a woman in business in the Acadiana area and wish to visit a meeting, please contact us. We are always seeking new women to grow with.
Membership dues are $50 yearly and are prorated each quarter. Approved Members may pay online or set up payment via check to our Treasurer, Bridgette D. Savoy. Please select the appropriate dropdown.
Returning Members $50
New Members joining January-March $50
New Members joining April-June $37.50
New Members joining July-Sept $25
New Members joining Oct-Dec $12.50
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Website Designed and Hosted By:
Write Way Creative Agency