Business Name
How Long in (This) Business
Phone Number
Should you require licensing, how long have you held your license?
Do you have a website?
Preferred Method of Communication
Cell Cell
Cell Text
Office Call
What talent / skills (professionally and personally) do you bring to the table that could benefit the group as a whole? *
Briefly explain when and your experience(s), if yes.
What do you hope to gain from membership to Business First? *
Please list the organizations you are currently or were previously involved in.
Were you referred by a member or former member of Business First? If yes, who?
If you were not referred to us, how did you hear about us?
January 2019, Business First launched our first website. This is a huge plus for us as it grants each member additional online exposure. Each of our members are featured on our Member Directory page. We request members supply us with a professional head shot for this purpose. "Selfies" will not be accepted, nor will pictures with others, etc. Our marketing/advertising committee respectfully request you keep your head-shot authentic, not using too many filters as TRUST is vital in business. When you meet a potential client, they need to recognize you instantly. Please supply the information you want listed for your business under the Member Directory. (This may differ than the above info.)
In addition to our standard recognition, we have advanced levels of exposure on our website. Upon acceptance of your membership, J. Lynn Trahan of Write Way Creative Agency, will contact you regarding which level of exposure you wish to take advantage of.
Each member on the membership page shall include: Head shot, Business Name, Address, Phone, Email
(This service is included in your membership. Please see 2024 Member Directory.)
Please upload your headshot. Should you not have one, please upload your best picture to crop and edit and Membership will contact you regarding a photo *
Please upload your headshot. Should you not have one, please upload your best picture to crop and edit and Membership will contact you regarding a photo *
Your name as it needs to appear n the website *
Business Name as it is to appear on website *
Business Email to appear on website *
Business Phone Number to appear on website *
Website (or facebook) to appear on website